Inadequate Weight Loss and Weight Regain After Bariatric Surgery

Many patients are not well informed about weight loss outcomes after bariatric surgery, and they may have unrealistic weight loss expecations and misunderstand the significance of postsurgical weight regain after bariatric surgery. Any Multidisciplinary Bariatric Surgery team must educate their patients regarding weight loss outcomes and establish perfectly clear goals and realistic expectations.  It is not possible to accurately predict how much weight a patient will lose after Weight Loss Surgery; the ultimate goal is to achieve a healthier weight while ensuring adequate nutrition.

The Bariatric Analysis and Reporting Outcome System (BAROS) (1) is the standard used for the assessment of Bariatric Surgery Results. The system defines five outcome groups (failure, fair, good, very good, and excellent), based on a scoring table that adds or subtracts points while evaluating three main areas: percentage of excess weight loss, changes in medical conditions, and Quality of Life. To assess changes in QOL after treatment, this method incorporates a specifically designed patient questionnaire that addresses self-esteem and four daily activities. Complications and reoperative surgery deduct points, thus avoiding the controversy of considering reoperations as failures.

A range from less than 20% to 40% of Excess Body Weight is what constitutes Inadequate Weight Loss after Bariatric Surgery .

After a patients weight stabilizes (typically 24 months after bariatric surgery), he or she may experience weight regain. Medical Literature states that at 10 year postsurgery, some patients regain, on average 20% to 25% of weight lost following surgery (2)

Some Weight regain from the lowest weight reached postoperatively is common and may be tolerable. Compared to their presurgery weight, patients who regain weight can maintain a substantial overall weight loss that is greater than weight loss typically achieved by diet and exercise alone.

Weight Regain after bariatric surgery is an issue that has not yet been well studied. However, recent research and medical presentations at congress we have attended have targeted some factors that may raise the risk for unwanted bariatric surgery outcomes. The most frequently mentioned are postoperative psychological issues, unrealistic patient expectations, and unhealthy behaviors. And also has been noticed that those patients with long-term follow and support tend to have much better results.

In conclusion, to enhance the transition into a healthier life after Weight Loss Surgery and to prevent weight regain and/or nutritional complications, all patients should receive care from a multidisciplinary team.

Patients should enroll in a comprehensive program, like the ones we offer at My New Body – Obesity Center for nutrition and life style management and also focus on nonweight outcomes such as improvements or remission of comorbid conditions and improved quality of life.

Revision Bariatric Surgery may be considered for Patients with inadequate weight loss or significant weight regain can be considered for revision of the original bariatric procedure or conversion of a previous procedure.  If you wish to have your case evaluated contacts us, and we can help you determine if Revision Bariatric Surgery can be a good option for you. Send me an email to or call 1 (833) 463-9263 to start your process now!

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