Navigating the New Year: Your Guide to Sustaining Resolutions After Bariatric Surgery

By Dr. Monica Valencia, My New Body Obesity Center

Hello, lovely souls embarking on this journey of transformation! I’m Dr. Monica Valencia, and as we step into the new year, I want to share some heartfelt words of encouragement and practical advice on how to keep those resolutions burning bright, especially for those who have undergone the incredible journey of bariatric surgery. So, grab your favorite cup of herbal tea, find a cozy spot, and let’s dive into a conversation about embracing health, happiness, and the resilience within each one of you.

1. Reflect on Your Journey

Take a moment to look back at the incredible journey you’ve undertaken. Bariatric surgery is not just a physical transformation; it’s a testament to your strength, courage, and the unwavering spirit that resides within you. Reflect on the challenges you’ve conquered, the victories you’ve celebrated, and the newfound relationship with your body. This reflection is the foundation upon which you can build your resolutions for the coming year.

2. Set Realistic and Personalized Goals

Resolutions are not about radical transformations; they are about gentle evolution. As we dance into the new year, set goals that resonate with your unique journey. Whether it’s incorporating more colorful veggies into your meals, establishing a consistent exercise routine, or practicing mindfulness, let your goals be a reflection of self-love. Remember, it’s not about perfection; it’s about progress.

3. Cultivate a Supportive Environment

Surround yourself with a tribe that uplifts and understands your journey. Share your aspirations with loved ones, friends, or even join support groups where you can exchange stories, recipes, and motivation. Creating a supportive environment is like having a pocketful of sunshine; it brightens your path and fuels your determination.

4. Nourish Your Body Wisely

After bariatric surgery, the relationship with food undergoes a beautiful transformation. Choose nutrient-dense, whole foods that nourish your body from within. Experiment with flavors, explore new recipes, and make the dining experience a celebration of health. Remember, every bite is an opportunity to fuel your body with love and vitality.

5. Embrace Physical Activity with Joy

Exercise is not a punishment; it’s a celebration of what your body can achieve. Find joy in movement, whether it’s dancing, hiking, swimming, or practicing yoga. Discover activities that make your heart sing, and you’ll find that staying active becomes a delightful part of your routine.

6. Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is not an indulgence; it’s a necessity. In the hustle and bustle of life, take moments to pamper yourself. It could be a warm bubble bath, a quiet walk in nature, or simply curling up with a good book. Nurture your mental and emotional well-being as profoundly as you do your physical health.

7. Celebrate Non-Scale Victories

While the scale might be one measure of progress, the true victories lie in the non-scale achievements. Celebrate increased energy levels, improved sleep, enhanced mental clarity, and the ability to savor life’s moments with newfound enthusiasm. These victories are the treasures that sparkle on your path to wellness.

8. Stay Connected with Your Healthcare Team

Your journey is a collaborative effort, and your healthcare team is your anchor. Keep your appointments, share your experiences, and ask questions. The partnership with your medical professionals is a vital aspect of your ongoing success.

9. Practice Mindful Eating

Eating is not just about nourishing the body; it’s an experience to be savored. Practice mindful eating by being present during meals, appreciating textures and flavors, and recognizing when your body signals satisfaction. Mindful eating enhances the joy of dining and fosters a harmonious relationship with food.

10. Be Kind to Yourself

Above all, remember to be kind to yourself. Life is a journey of continuous growth, and every step forward is a victory. If detours happen, if challenges arise, approach yourself with the same compassion you extend to others. You are a masterpiece in progress, and each day is an opportunity to paint a new stroke of vibrant colors onto the canvas of your life.

As we embark on this new year, let’s embrace it with open hearts, resilient spirits, and the unwavering belief that we are capable of creating a life filled with health, joy, and love. Here’s to you, to your journey, and to the radiant light that shines from within.

With love and encouragement,

Dr. Monica Valencia My New Body Obesity Center

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