Cirujanos bariátricos certificados en Tijuana, México.
What is a Single Incision Gastric Sleeve
Single Incision Gastric Sleeve is the newest technique to a less invasive laparoscopic surgery, and this technique can be applied to Gastric Sleeve. With this approach, the certified bariatric surgeon can perform a Vertical Gastric Sleeve with one single incision, making it a less invasive procedure and less scars for the patients. Single Incision Gastric Sleeeve is basically a scar free Weight Loss Surgery.

Am I eligible for a Single Incision Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
The first step to determine if you are a good candidate for a Single Incision Gastric Sleeve Surgery is getting in touch with one of our patients coordinators to fill a quick Health Questionnaire. Within 24 hours after receiving your information, one of our bariatric surgeons reviews your case and determines if you are a good candidate for a Single Incision Gastric Sleeve.
Información sobre la Operación
Duración: 30-45 minutes
Incision Location: Around the Belly
Hospitalización: 1-2 días
Período de Recuperación: 2 semanas
Anestesia: General Anesthesia
Testimonios de Pacientes
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Single-Incision Gastric Sleeve in Mexico is the latest minimally-invasive technique that only a select few bariatric surgeons have mastered, along with the specialized and articulate equipment needed. The sleeve gastrectomy is performed exclusively through one portal 1 to 1.5 inches wide in the umbilical or navel area. It is aesthetically preferred as the opening is actually hidden inside the belly button, so the abdomen looks scar-free. Using fewer incisions minimizes your risks, postoperative pain/discomfort, downtime, and visible scarring.
The Single Incision Gastric Sleeve carries less risk than traditional gastric sleeve surgery or gastric bypass, largely due to the fact that it requires only one small incision.
Although the SILS procedure carries less risk than traditional gastric sleeve or bypass surgery, it does carry a rare risk of the following:
- Infection at the incision site
- Vitamin deficiency
Dumping syndrome - A second incision may be needed to place a drain to help remove fluid and reduce swelling
- Minor scarring
Not everyone is a candidate for the single incision gastric sleeve surgery and it is important to know if you are a candidate for the procedure before scheduling. My New Body Obesity Center recommends these key factors to consider seeing if you qualify for the single incision gastric sleeve:
- Your BMI must be a 35 or less
- You may not have prior abdominal surgery
- Your excess body mass fat must not be centered in the central abdomen
- You must be age 18 to 60
- This cannot be a revision surgery
- You must have the right attitude toward food, exercise and health
- Mental and emotional health must be stable