Top Board Certified bariatric surgeons in Tijuana, México.
What is a Mini Gastric Bypass?
The Mini Gastric Bypass is a weight loss surgery similar to the gastric bypass. The mini-gastric bypass surgery uses both restriction and malabsorption to achieve weight loss. The mini-gastric bypass reduces the stomach size significantly, while also bypassing a large part of the small intestines. This procedure is a newer and less invasive procedure than the gastric bypass, with similar long-term results.
Am I eligible for a Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?
The first step to determine if you are a good candidate for a Mini Gastric Bypass is getting in touch with one of our patients coordinators to fill a quick Health Questionnaire. Within 24 hours after receiving your information, one of our bariatric surgeons reviews your case and determines if you are a good candidate for Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery.
Operation Information
Duration: 30-45 minutes
Incision Location: Abdominal Area
Hospitalization: 1-2 days
Recovery Period: 2 weeks
Anesthesia: General Anesthesia
Patients Testimonials
Gastric Bypass Frequently Asked Questions
To schedule a consultation with My New Body – Obesity Center, Arizona, call us at 1(520) 390-4105 or fill out our online form >
On average people can expect to lose around two to four pounds a week, or eight to 16 pounds a month, for the first six to 12 months following their gastric sleeve surgery.
La principal ventaja que ofrece la Manga Gástrica es que no hay necesidad de crear una nueva conexión entre el estómago y el intestino (anastomosis). Complicaciones a largo plazo son más raras en la manga. La probabilidad de presentar deficiencias nutricionales es menor en la manga gástrica porque no hay malabsorción.
Gastric sleeve recovery time depends on your condition and procedure. If you have gastric sleeve — also known as sleeve gastrectomy — you can usually return home the second day after surgery. Most people return to work or other daily routines in 5 to 10 days.